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江坂道場     バンクーバー居合道場

Vancouver Eishin Ryu Iaido Club (Esaka Dojo Vancouver) is an officially accredited dojo of Seito Seiryu Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu Iaido Kokusai Renmei.

Dojo Certification

Vancouver Eishin Ryū Iaido Club practices the classical form of iaido known as Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu. This martial art dates back over 450 years and is unbroken in its transmission through the ages.


The founder of the martial art that would later become known as Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu was Hayashizaki Jinsuke Minamoto no Shigenobu (c. 1546 - 1621).


Vancouver Eishin Ryu Iaido Club is led by Hiro Inoue Sensei and it is an officially accredited dojo of the iaido international federation known as Seito Seiryu Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu Iaido Kokusai Renmei (IKR). Seito Seiryu Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu Iaido Kokusai Renmei, also known as Iaido Kokusai Renmei, is headed by Kobara Sensei.

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Hiro Inoue Sensei 


(8th dan)

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Iaido is practiced by many different schools and organizations worldwide. The history of iaido and how it has spread around the world is truly interesting. This section is to make note of specific people from the wider iaido community worldwide who have made a special effort to share their knowledge and skill with our dojo.


Kato Sensei

We are very thankful for the support and training that Kato Sensei, Hanshi, 10th dan (ZNIR), gave to our dojo over the years. We were deeply saddened to learn of his passing and will always remember his teaching and mentorship fondly. The Vancouver Eishin Ryu Iaido Club will always hold Kato Sensei in a position of respect and appreciation within our dojo for his efforts to teach and promote iaido the world over. We greatly admire and respect the dedication he had and the common values we shared as part of the wider iaido community.

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Affiliated Dojos in North America

Vancouver Eishin Ryū Iaido Club, Vancouver BC, Canada


Sensei: Hiro Inoue UBC Rec: +1 (604) 822-6000

Marpole Community Centre: +1 (604) 257-8180



Todo Kai Dojo, Nanaimo and Ladysmith BC, Canada

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Sensei: Peter Gunstone
Phone: +1 (250) 924-8114

Alameda Genwakan, Alameda CA, USA

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Sensei: Mikhail Faiguenblat
Location: 2203 Central Avenue, Alameda, CA 94501, USA

Boston Eishin Ryu Iaido, Boston MA, USA

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Sensei: Cuong Nguyen
Phone: +1 (774) 249-9044

Ken Shin Dojo, Vancouver BC, Canada

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Sensei: Bahman Ebrahimi
Phone: +1 (604) 771-3134
Location: 5851 west boulevard, Kerrisdale Community Center Vancouver, BC

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